v4.8 [Jan 22, 2013]
Support for new P-series 3D sensors
Dimax4Ceph: new didapi.ini hidden config: D4CephMaxSaneOffsetDrift (def:200). Threshold for offset drift sanity test.
FIX: Dimax1-4 calibration: Errornous beamcheck messages for Dimax1-4 sensors now corrected
FIX: DidapiConfigJ: ProLine and ProOne TMJ & Tomo curves can now be changed from combobox
FIX: DidapiConfigJ: Window title is now correct when opening ProSensor Ehternet Config
FIX: DidapiConfigJ: CalibFileUrl and MapFileUrl now get correctly updated
FIX: SmartPan: Bitewing images now have correct borders
FIX: SmartPan: Vertically segmented STD Pan images had incorrect borders
FIX: SmartPan: Connection to ProMax would fail if OS had too low (<4) TCPIP max data retransmission setting (tcpmaxdataretransmissions) in use
FIX: Autofocus: Two extra files have been saved to %temp%/images folder. Now files are cleared up when number of them increases.
FIX: Dimax4Ceph: Rarely image calibration result caused clipping in low signals in image
It includes tools for designing and running "point and click" adventure games.